Christopher & Sarah-Jane

November 10, 2025 • Biloxi, MS
241 Days To Go!

Christopher & Sarah-Jane

November 10, 2025 • Biloxi, MS
241 Days To Go!

Our Story

Our Story: The good, the bad, and the beautiful.

Picture of Our Story: The good, the bad, and the beautiful.

Christopher and Sarah-Jane first met in July of 2022. Their story began like many others where they both got tired of waiting for love and decided to look to Facebook dating for help. To neither of their surprises, it was mostly full of people looking for hookups, weirdos, and people with very interesting concepts of love.

Finally, they swiped in the right direction. Sarah started the conversation with a generic "ice breaker" and Chris exceeded expectations by responding with more than a one-word answer. He only continued to exceed expectations from that point on. The relationship continued with many long phone calls and millions of text messages.

Anyone who knows Sarah or Chris knows there was a short period of time where they weren't together. That time was important for Sarah to figure some things out because she knew at that point, she was not the woman that Chris deserved. With God's love and grace, they found each other again and began to build their lives together; better than ever before.

Now, after being patient and knowing that their lives are meant to remain intertwined, they are getting married.

I guess the rest is history that they cannot wait for you to be a part of.